hello  lovelies, i have always been interested in makeup growing up by watching my mum and elder sister it was no surprise when i asked for my first makeup set,it was the first time receiving hand downs from my elder sister did not seem like a bad idea, so this fdrst blog post is going to talk about the first makeup kits required for a newbie

1. moisturizer/primer; before any makeup is done it is necessary to moisturize your skin and to prime your face to make your makeup last longer and to prevent creasing and concealer; these are necessary for flawless skin and good products would go a long way of giving you the perfection you require.


3.eyepencil ; it is necessary for a flawless makeup look, eyebrow can make or spoil a makeup look, i use davies eyepencil which is affordable and efficient.

4.eyeliner and mascara; for that goddess look it takes a good application of eyeliner and for those not blessed with long lashes mascara s our saviour.

5.nude and red lipstick ; a good nude and red lipstick is required for any makeup wearer ,a nude lipstick for day to day application and red lipstick for outings and important occasions, i recommend sleek red lipstick.



6. make up tools ; from makeup brushes to makeup sponge these are required for the right application of makeup,so i recommend affordable tools.  012516-Makeup-Kit-slide-6.jpg

7. blush and highlighter:blush adds an healthy color and  subtle glow and those of us that look pale require this

8.eyeshadow palletes; are the last on my list but not the least,a good eyeshadow pallete is required to make different makeup looks.


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